The Unashamed with Nelson Robertson
Jesus did it for you on the Cross to the world, the testimony of His shed blood.
The Shift Part 1of3 with Belinda Robertson
Those who trust in Christ will never be disgraced.
Outreach with Chanta Wyatt
Chanta Wyatt, Founder of Heart to Heart Ministries – the acts of discipleship in her community..
The Power of Letting Go with Nelson Robertson
Let go of the worldly ideas and trends – learn what GOD has to say and act on it.
The War – Part 2 with Belinda Robertson
This is spiritual – You can’t fight this in your own strength!
Staying Connected to GOD with Nelson Robertson
Our God is merciful, and full of unconditional love and grace. He desires your attention more that you could imagine.
WTS/HOH Podcast
ShareMyTable Podcast
FTF Podcast
Faith Encounter Podcast
"How should one chase a thousand, and two put ten thousand to flight, except their ROCK had sold them, and the LORD had shut them up?" Deuteronmy 32:30(KJV)
Engagement Request
We are ministers who are focused on teaching the uncompromised WORD of the Gospel of Christ Jesus. Our desire is to motivate the “Believer” in you by illuminating the faith in God that is already placed within.
Villa Rica, GA 30180
+(678) 674-HOPE(4673)
Social Media
Faith Encounter Newsletter is an inspirational newsletter filled with testimonies and additional notes from previous videos, radio teachings and podcast.